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Shadow of the Erdtree: What are Revered Spirit Ashes? Elden Ring guide, walkthrough

Revered Spirit Ashes are a new enhancement material in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for the Elden Ring game. On this page we have described what they are and how they work.

Last update: 24 June 2024

Revered Spirit Ashes are a new upgrade material in the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion. They function in the same way as Scadutree Fragments, but they impact the spirit steed Torrent and allies summoned through ashes. On this page of the guide, we described how the Revered Spirit Ashes work and what the Revered Spirit Ash Blessing is.

How does the Revered Spirit Ashes (Shadow Realm Blessing) work?

The Revered Spirit Ashes are special ashes found exclusively in the Land of Shadow, an area added in the DLC - Shadow of the Erdtree: What are Revered Spirit Ashes? - FAQ - Elden Ring Guide

The Revered Spirit Ashes are special ashes found exclusively in the Land of Shadow, an area added in the DLC. They are scattered throughout the region, and you can find them by exploring various locations, dungeons, and optional areas. You can use the collected ashes at any site of grace via the Enhance Shadow Realm Blessing option. This blessing is a permanent buff. It will make Torrent, your spirit mount, more resistant to enemy attacks and increase the damage dealt while reducing the damage taken by allies summoned by various ashes.

Revered Spirit Ashes work almost the same as Scadutree Fragment, but they buff your steed and summon allies instead of your character. Their buff is also permanent - you won't lose it on death or when you leave the DLC area - but it is only active inside the Land of Shadow and has no effect in areas from the base game.

The Revered Spirit Ashes encourage exploration and thorough investigation of new areas. Using them is completely optional - if you want to make the game even more difficult, you don't have to use them. On a separate page of the guide, we have listed the locations of all the Revered Spirit Ashes in the game.

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