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News guides 28 June 2024, 03:03

author: Olga Fiszer

Crash on Launch UE Error in Palworld Sakurajima Explained

Experiencing UE Error while launching Palworld or encountering crashes after the latest Sakurajima update? Check out our guide for solutions to these issues.

Source: Palworld; developer: Pocketpair

The latest major update for Palworld, Sakurajima, just launched with w brand new island to discover and 14 added Pals to catch, along with new bosses, building materials and other exciting features. Unfortunately, this update has also brought a known issue: a UE-PAL crash preventing players from entering their world. Find out what to do when you can't launch the game and learn about the possible causes of this problem.

How to Fix Crash on Launch after Sakurajima update in Palworld

The developers are aware of a reported Palworld UE-PAL crash impacting some players and are actively working on a solution. In the meantime, various troubleshooting steps have been shared by the community to potentially address the issue:

  1. General fixes like verifying game files or updating your graphics card drivers are always good first steps.
  2. In-game overlays like Discord or Steam Overlay can sometimes interfere. Try disabling them to see if it resolves the crash.
  3. If you can launch the game but it crashes upon entering your world, try disabling multiplayer settings. This has been a successful workaround for some players experiencing the UE-PAL crash.
  4. Mods can sometimes conflict with game files. If you have any mods installed, try uninstalling them and launching the game.

PC gamers with Intel 13th/14th gen CPUs might be experiencing crashes due to reported compatibility issue causing shader problems. Here’s a quick explanation:

  1. Power Surge: Motherboard might send too much voltage, causing instability.
  2. Auto-Overclocking: Some motherboards auto-boost performance but can lead to crashes in games like Plaworld.

If that may be your problem, the best course of action is to check for BIOS update or manually lower your CPU’s clock speed. However, this is only recommended for advanced users who understand the potential risks involved in modifying these settings.

Olga Fiszer

Olga Fiszer

Joined the guides on in 2019. Nonetheless, you can also come across her posts about LEGO, which is something she has passionately collected for many years. A former corporate employee who decided to move to the UK, where she devoted herself to collecting pop culture relics. Her favorite game genres include primarily RPGs and jRPGs, classic RTSs, as well as unique indie games. When, despite a sizable collection of games, she concludes there's nothing to play, she launches Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, one of the KOTORs, or Baldur’s Gate 2 (Shadows of Amn, not Throne of Bhaal) for the hundredth time. After hours, she enjoys painting figurines or admiring her collectibles and retro consoles.
