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Shadow of the Erdtree Elden Ring

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Shadow of the Erdtree: What are Miquella's Crosses? Map of all crosses Elden Ring guide, walkthrough

During your journey through the Land of Shadow you will come across Miquella's Crosses left by this demigod. This guide page explains what Miquelli Crosses are and what they are used for.

Last update: 20 June 2024

Land of Shadow, the area where the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC takes place, is quite large. Fortunately, while exploring it, you will come across Miquella's Crosses - landmarks left by the demigod during his journey. On this page of our guide, we explain what Miquella's Crosses are and what they are used for.

What are Miquella's Crosses?

Miquella's Crosses can be considered a kind of landmarks - Shadow of the Erdtree: What are Miquellas Crosses? Map of all crosses - FAQ - Elden Ring Guide

Miquella's Crosses can be considered a kind of landmarks. They were left by Miquella during his journey through the Land of Shadow - interacting with the crosses will allow you to look at Miquella's thoughts written on them. Near the crosses you may occasionally encounter other pilgrims who are also following the demigod's path.

In terms of gameplay, the crosses are intended to present the storyline. The Land of Shadow is full of optional content and optional regions, not all of which you need to visit to complete the main story. Hence, Miquella's Crosses can be found in the mandatory locations and they direct you to the next mandatory location. If you find a Miquella's Cross somewhere, it means you are following the main storyline. Areas without crosses are optional - although they may bring you a lot of rewards, you do not have to complete them to complete the main story.

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